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Overwintering strategies of Anax junius in a Minnesota prairie-pothole ecosystem

(the common green darner) is one of the most common and widespread species of dragonfly in the United States. Northern either overwinter as aquatic nymphs or migrate south as adults. Temperature is a leading driver of exotherm growth rate and likely plays a major role in determining which overwintering strategy an individual nymph utilizes. Therefore the timing and abundance of fall emergence and migration may be changing as climate extends the length of the northern growing season. This observational study of six different ponds within a restored prairie pothole ecosystem in central Minnesota documents the seasonal nymph population dynamics during 2017. These data, combined with adult phenological observations and experimentally created species temperature response curves will build a broad understanding of how northern are adapting to our changing climate.

Katelyn Johnston ( Co-Presenter/Co-Author), Augsburg College,;

Ami Thompson (Primary Presenter/Author), University of Minnesota,;

Emily Schilling ( Co-Presenter/Co-Author), Augsburg University,;