Presenter Information
Abstract Deadline - February 18, 2019
Based on input from federal employees influenced by the recent government shutdown, as well as other factors, the decision has been made for a one-time extension of the abstract submission deadline for the Salt Lake City SFS meeting to Monday, February 18th at 23:59 U.S. Mountain Standard Time. The theme of the 2019 Meeting is "Translational Ecology in Freshwater Science". No abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.
The screens in all the session rooms at the conference will be STANDARD size. For best visibility, please prepare your power points slides to be in Standard Format. If you use Wide Screen Format, your slides will work, but have a bar at top and bottom to compensate for the difference in the image area.
Presenter Registration
It is a SFS policy that only one paper per first presenter/author be accepted. Although meeting registration is not required at the time of abstract submittal, all presenters and co-presenters attending must ultimately register for the conference. Full meeting registration is required for the primary presenter/author; one-day registration fees do not meet the qualification for presentation. Co-presenter/authors attending the conference may use the full registration option or, if only attending their own session, may use the one day registration option.
Eleven concurrent sessions will be held in the Convention Center in the meeting rooms. Each session room will be equipped with a projector, screen, a PC laptop, remote/pointer, and a microphone. Wifi – wireless internet access has been arranged for our group throughout the facility and in all the meeting rooms. Access the abstract system by the assigned deadline to upload your presentation(s) so that they can be pre-loaded on the laptop in your room prior to your scheduled start time.
The computers in the session rooms will be Windows 8.1.64 based PCs with Microsoft Office 2013, including PowerPoint. Verification of proper performance is essential, particularly if video and animation are included in the presentation. Internet access will be available during your presentation, however it is best to download any files containing videos and sound to your presentation folder rather than rely on internet links for those components, to assure trouble-free access and smooth streaming. The use of video and sound are strongly discouraged in the 15 minute presentation slots.
UPDATE: The screens in all the session rooms at the conference will be STANDARD size. For best visibility, please prepare your power points slides to be in Standard Format. If you use Wide Screen Format, your slides will work, but have a bar at top and bottom to compensate for the difference in the image area.
Personal laptops cannot be used for presentations in the session rooms. All presentations will be uploaded from the web based system to the meeting room laptops provided for your use. However, support is available in the speaker ready room if you need assistance uploading revisions to your presentation. Final revisions/presentations must be uploaded no later than midnight prior to the day of your presentation. Please save a copy of your most current presentation on a USB Flash Drive, external Hard Drive, or a CD, and bring it with you in case there is a problem uploading to the online system, and the speaker management team will assist you. Please do not bring your laptop as the process of physically setting it up to retrieve, store, and transfer the presentation is prohibitively time-consuming. All presentations must be created in, or converted to, Microsoft’s PowerPoint program. PDF Presentations are also acceptable, but they are not capable of animation.
Macintosh Users
Please make sure that all inserted pictures are either JPEG or PNG file-types. Quicktime (.mov) files are also an accepted video format. Presenters using Macintosh’s Keynote program should read for directions on converting their presentation to PowerPoint. This conversion should be completed prior to uploading the presentation; however, there will be a Macintosh laptop available in the Presentation Room for on-site conversion of presentation if required.
Video Formats
The recommended video format for Windows-based presentations is Windows Media (.wmv). For more detailed information regarding adding videos to your presentation please read
PowerPoint embeds image files directly into the file when you save them, while video files are not embedded. Only a link is made to the video file. Copy the video clips you want to insert into the same folder as the PowerPoint file. This will eliminate the problem of PowerPoint losing the link to the file.
There is a trade-off between high quality videos and large files. Use short video segments when needed, and try to keep the file size to less than 20 Mb.
Arial and Helvetica are recommended for clarity and compatibility. Confirm a font size of AT LEAST 24 points for body text and 36-40 points for headings. Avoid using red or green. Confirm that the maximum number of lines in text slides is no more than 6 or 7.
The size of the screen will be 1024 x 768 pixels, meaning that any image with more pixels in the X or Y coordinate that is more than that will not be displayed. The image will be altered by PowerPoint to fit. Large images (i.e. 2000x1500 pixels) which are created with digital cameras and scanners will make the resulting PowerPoint file very large. This may cause the presentation to load slowly.
For on-screen presentations, JPEG-type images work well. This type of image file can be created with virtually all imaging programs. There are many graphics programs which can manipulate images. Consult the manual for more specific instructions if needed.
Large/slow presentations can be avoided by using a graphics program to convert the image and inserting images by a specific method:
Change the size of the image to approximately 800 x 600 pixels
Save as file type: "JPEG" or "JPG"
Select compression setting of 8 (High quality image)
Insert all images into PowerPoint as JPEG files.
If you copy the images to the clipboard and then Edit/Paste them into PowerPoint, the images will not be compressed and the PowerPoint file can become very large. To avoid this, insert them directly into PowerPoint (Insert/Picture/from File).
Please keep animations to a minimum.
Submission and Presentation review/editing
Using the same user name and password you created to submit your abstract, log into your presenter account at to upload your presentation to the online system. If you have revisions to your presentation, you may post updates to your presentation at that same link and any new uploads will replace the current file. Be sure your final presentation has been uploaded to the online system no later than midnight the day before your scheduled presentation, so it can be ready to launch on the equipment in your presentation room.
The speaker ready room hours are the same as the registration hours for the conference. Check in at the registration desk and you will be directed to a speaker management team member to assist you if needed.
Quality Control
It is recommend that you give your presentation a last "once-over" prior to your session. When reviewing your presentation, make sure all fonts, images, and animations appear as expected and that all audio or video clips are working properly. If you would like a speaker management team member to run through your presentation with you on the house equipment, check in at the registration desk for assistance. The use of video and sound is strongly discouraged in the 15 minute presentation slots.
Posters will be mounted on poster boards located in Grand Ballroom ABCD. Posters must be no larger than 45 inches high by 41 inches wide. If your poster exceeds these specifications, it may be subject to removal. Posters will adhere to the boards using push pins that will be provided.
If you would like to provide a pdf version of your poster for attendees to access via the conference website, login to your presenter account to upload your file (optional for posters).
The Poster Session will officially take place on Wednesday, May 22 from 1:30 to 4:00 pm in Grand Ballroom ABCD. Posters can be set up anytime after 8:00 am on Sunday, May 19. To optimize viewing and interaction opportunities we encourage presenters to leave their posters in place until Thursday when they need to be removed by 5:00 pm.
Abstract Submission Overview
Abstract submission is now open for the 2019 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting to be held May 19-23 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The deadline for submitting an abstract is Friday, 18 February at 23:59 U.S. Central Standard Time. Per SFS policy only one paper per first author will be accepted.
The theme of the 2019 Meeting is "Translational Ecology in Freshwater Science".
Full conference registration is required for all primary presenters.
You can register for the annual meeting at Meeting registration will open soon! You can also sign up for technical workshops, the 5K run and other events when you register. All on-site events will take place in the Salt Palace Convention Center and in the adjacent Hilton Salt Lake City Center, the headquarters hotel. The deadline for early registration rates is April 15, 2019. Although meeting registration is not required at the time of abstract submittal, full meeting registration (not just one-day registration) is ultimately required for the primary presenter/author.
Special note for students submitting an abstract:
Students submitting an abstract are advised to proceed immediately to submit any requests for travel support from their various sources at the time of abstract submission rather than wait for acceptance and scheduling.
Please contact Hannah Paxton ( at Event Services for any questions about presenter issues or Kylie Downs ( for questions about the overall meeting.
Session Categories
Contributed Sessions
Special Sessions
When you submit your abstract, the submittal form will also list these topics. To help the program committee assign your abstract to an appropriate session, please designate your first, second, and third choices in the abstract form. All three choices must be indicated in order for your abstract to be considered.
Abstract Preparation
As you format your abstract for submission please follow the abstract guidelines below:
- All abstracts must be in English, using metric units. Do not include illustrations, figures, or photos.
- The title of the abstract must be in all caps and must not exceed 160 characters. Spell out words. Do not use characters such as ampersands (&) in your title.
- The body of the abstract must adhere to a maximum count of 190 words, exclusive of the title and the author citations.
- Please make the abstract as informative and representative of your presentation as possible. Please do not use bold or underline formatting however, as this will be stripped out in the final, printed version of your abstract.
- Abstract submission is available electronically, via the conference web site link only. We cannot accept abstracts by fax or email.
- To accommodate all of the submitted abstracts and maximize the cohesiveness of individual sessions it may be necessary to accept for poster presentation some abstracts submitted for oral presentation, and, likewise, abstracts submitted for poster presentation may be accepted as oral presentations.
If you require assistance in submitting your abstract, please contact Event Services at 435 797-0178, or via e-mail at
Previewing Abstracts
When you submit your abstract, you will receive a confirmation and will be given a login and password for making necessary corrections. Please check your abstract for errors after you submit.
Author Notification
The primary presenting author will receive email confirmation when the abstract is received and will receive confirmation in this same manner when the abstract is accepted and assigned. Assignments as to scheduled presentation day and time from the slating committee are final. There will be a designated deadline for your final acknowledgement of participation after which if not acknowledged, your presentation may be dropped from the schedule. Accepted abstracts will be posted on the web site after the program schedule has been finalized.
If you encounter problems submitting or editing your abstract, contact Event Services at 435 797-0178, or via e-mail at